What Makes A Good Portable Dental Operatory?
Dental professionals that are required to take their practice to the patient face unusual challenges when it comes to equipment. Facing trade-offs between weight, power and noise, professionals don't want to be limited just because they want portability.
Weight, compactness and ease of set-up play a big role in portable equipment. To be truly useful, a delivery unit must contain its own air compressor, vacuum, water and waste system, as well as all the components necessary to operate handpieces, syringes, saliva ejectors and high volume evacuation. DNTLworks operatories are designed with (1) weight targets of less than 50 lbs. per component, (2) size dimensions less than three cubic feet per component, and (3) set-up times of three minutes or less. These design characteristics assure the dentist that the equipment will be light enough for convenient transport and easily fit in a automobile or van.
The issue of power directly relates to productivity. Will the machine have the capacity of running all brands of handpieces, scalers, light curing wands, while at the same time running both the saliva ejector and high volume suction? Will practitioners be satisfied performing only one-handed dentistry, or will they desire the same production capability as in a regular dental office? All DNTLworks units are designed for true "four-handed" dentistry, allowing the dentist or hygienist to see more patients in less time. We even give our users a decided advantage in power and productivity.
Noise Reduction
Whenever compressed air is used to run handpieces, noise reduction becomes a significant issue. Practicing in nursing homes, hospitals, or private homes require quiet environments, not to mention the low noise convenience to the practitioner. DNTLworks manufactures the quietest products on the market. Maximum decibel ratings for DNTLworks products used in these environments are 55-dB with our Top-of-the-Line ProCart III running at 44-dB.
Asepsis Design
Asepsis design has become more important with the focus on contamination and spread of disease. All designs should incorporate proper asepsis parameters, such as easy cleaning surfaces, recessed controls, automatic handpiece actuators, quick-detachable, autoclavable components, and housings and tray tops should always be made out of metal or plastic, never wood or Formica where bacteria can thrive.
How does the equipment design promote or hinder productivity? DNTLworks equipment has been improved over the years through actual user suggestions and surveys. Vacuum systems were significantly improved with the change from air venturi systems to separate vacuum pumps. Waste disposal times were significantly shortened with the addition of automatic waste flushing pumps. "Four-handed" operation capability significantly increased the amount of patients a practitioner could service and bill. Utility and productivity considerations are the hallmark of DNTLworks products.